Carving SIG - Daytimes
This interest list is for those who can attend at least some meetings. Monthly reminders announce upcoming topics.
These monthly carving meetings are a combination of demo, presentation, and hands-on, open to beginners and experienced alike. Topics vary over time. Previous focus topics were on sharpening, rotary carving tools, knives, Japanese wood blocks, and chip carving.
DATES/TIMES - Monthly on the 1st Wednesday (formerly it was a Thursday). The start time is 1:00 but you are free to arrive anytime after noon to eat, hangout, and perhaps do some personal work.
NOTE: There is another Carving SIG meeting in the evenings on third Thursdays at the Guild of Oregon Woodworkers in Multnomah Village. To register for this series, click here.
NOTE: In addiiton, there is the Eastside Carving Gathering meetings near NW 31st and Sandy from 10:00-1:00.
LOCATION - Rockler Store, Beaverton, 11773 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton, OR 97005
COST - Free, however, the real cost is you sharing your experience, questions, successes, and frustrations so we all can learn from and help each other.
COORDINATOR is Larry Wade, (503-312-7745,, but expect others to pitch in over time (this could be you!).
Eastside Carver's Gathering
Registration is not required but OK
3 Hour Session
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION A simple project will be available for beginners who would like to learn and for intermediate carvers that want a little quick fun whittle. It requires only one carving knife and a fairly small block of wood. Gloves are recommended, of course, because the carving is small and the carver needs to hold the piece.
Wood will be provided. There will be a few pieces in different stages of completion so you can visualize the process.
Bring your own carving knife and safety gear like gloves if you have them. However, a few gloves and knives will be available for new carvers to use. Our gatherings are always the first Saturday of the month.
If you are a carver and would just like to meet and talk with other carvers, you are welcome to come. Bring your own project to work on and share techniques, interests and a good time.
Please join us. Just show up. No registration is necessary.
Morningstar Assisted Living, 3140 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR
Contact Tom Rich. (
Introduction to Carving (RELIEF)
Register for either the morning or the afternoon session, pick one
If the class is full, please put your name on the waitlist, and if there's enough interest, I'll try to schedule another session.
Relief is one of the main carving styles-others are chip and in-the-round. The flower project is from May May's free video series and uses three basic carving gouges (V, #3, and #7) as well as a mallet. It helps you learn yet again about grain training while helping you develop tool handling skills.
This workshop is for those who have never carved or want to try. You are provided with free wood, loaner tools, and pattern. During the class you will flower petal using basswood. If you've done this project, we'll select another, and if Basswood seems to simple, you can try a hardwood.
DATES/TIMES - 2 1/2 hours, date as noted
COST - free tuition, free wood, free loaner tools
WORKSHOP LEADER is Larry Wade, (503-312-7745,
WOOD - Basswood
Live from the Oakhurst Rendezvous
The annual Oakhurst rendezvous draws instructors and carvers from around the state. Larry Wade will be attending and plans to share live and recorded conversations and wisdom with some of the notable instructors and carvers, including our California members Roman Chernikov from San Jose (chip carving), Al Plasch from Ventura (otter, mice, spoons), and others.
If you have questions, send an email to
Please register in case of changes and to receive program handouts.
Introduction to Carving (POWER)
If the class is full, please put your name on the waitlist, and if there's enough interest, I'll schedule a second class, perhaps later on the same day.
Power carving is done with many tools, but this class will use a Dremel or Dremel-like rotary tool with a few common burrs. This tool has the motor in the handpiece making it easier to control. The handpiece is also smaller than the traditional Dremel. The side effects are that it has less power but is also a bit safer than more powerful tool. The class will carve a styilized bird as a means to experience different burrs, talk about safety, and explore other rotary tools including Foredom and Micro Motor.
COST - free tuition, free wood. Club members have access to borrowing some rotary tools from our Tool Library, a benefit of membership.
Focus on First Nations Carvings
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There is considerable interest in First Nations (Native American) carvings.
With luck, noted carver Lonnie Accord will be able to share his 40 years of carving experience. Lonnie lives in a more remote part of west-central Washington without broadband, so this program will feature pre-recorded interviews at his carving studio,
This will also be an opportunity to include the work of both newcomers as well as continuing practitioners.
Sharpening is intimidating for new carvers. This class gives you an essential foundation for stropping correctly. Sharpening is a career-long journey; this is your chance to start. Future classes will cover more advanced sharpening techniques and problem solving.
HANDOUT - A handout is downloadable by clicking here, and a 30 minute supporting video is viewable by clicking here. You need to review them prior to the class since they are the basis for what will be practiced.
COVID & FLU - If you are sick, not fully recovered, or living with someone who is please cancel and attend a future monthly session.
COST - $30 for tuition. Leather for making your own strops are usually available at the class for $10.
WORKSHOP LEADER - Roger Crooks or Larry Wade
TOOLS - If you have them, bring your own knife, gouge, V tool, strop and honing compound. However, practice tools and loaner strops are available so you don't have to bring anything.
Introduction to Carving (INCISED)
The incised carving style typically creates line drawings etched into the surface of wood (or linoleum, gourds, soap, etc.) and can be done safely with one tool.
This workshop is for those who have never carved or want to try incised carving. It is hands-on, in-person. You will be provided with free Basswood, a loaner V-tool and several patterns to choose from. During the class you will carve the Dogs Welcome Sign and be encouraged to plan a second project afterwards.
COST - free tuition, free wood, free loaner V tool
WOOD - Basswood or White Pine will be provided.
Introduction to Carving (WHITTLING)
This class has a morning and an afternoon option- pick one or the other when you register. If both sessions are full, please put your name on the waitlist, and I'll schedule another session at a mutually agreeable time.
Whittling is carving with a knife. The Otter project is a great grain training exercise while helping you develop knife handling skills. The otter is three dimensional, in the round. The tail can be carved flat to make a letter opener.
This workshop is for those who have never carved or want to try whittling You are provided with free wood, a loaner tool, pattern, glove, and thumb guard. During the class you will carve the Otter.
COST - free tuition, free wood, free loaner tool
INTEREST LIST - for future classes
Caricature Carving with Terry Moss
Terry Moss is a skilled caricature carver and the president of the Capitol WoodCarvers Club in Salem. He regularly teaches a weekend caricature carving class in Salem, the Oregon Coast, or the Portland area. If you are interested in knowing about future classes, put your name on this list. There is no obligation.
The class is intended for beginner and intermediate carvers. The seasonal figure is usually carved out of 2x2x12 Basswood which will be roughed out ahead of time so students can concentrate on the essential carving. The exact figure to be carved depends on the timing for the class..
COST - varies sometimes but usually in the $125-150 range, depending on location and whether space needs to be rented.
PREREQUISITES - Beginner or intermediate level carver or above with some experience using a carving knife.
FOOD - you usually bring your own.
TOOLS - You will need to provide your own (sharp) tools, but they are modest - detail knife, small V tool, micro gouge. Some might be available to loan.
CARVING SAFETY - You should read the relevant parts of our carving safety manual and be prepared to follow those practices.
COVID/FLU - What, me worry? Yes, we will, and you should plan on standard protocols of staying home if sick, living with some who is, recently exposed, etc.
For questions contact Terry Moss at or Larry Wade,
Address: Oregon Carvers Guild, 3110 NW Linmere Dr, Portland, Oregon 97229Email: