4th Annual Club Picnic Potluck & Swap Meet
The address is 19887 S Mosier Rd, Oregon City
Click here for an information packet with hints about driving.
The picnic gets us together for food, fun, fellowship, and a bit of education. Spouses, mates, and friends welcome. This year Chuck Rinehart is hosting us at his spacious home, yard, and shop located in the country between Oregon City and Estacada (address given when you register). It will be worth the drive.
Please bring carvings to show, whether finished or in process. Don't be shy.
We'll have a swap meet so bring carving related things or wood that you want to sell or give away. If you have a fair amount, please bring a card or other kind of table, but we'll have a few to use.
The club will provide beverages, burgers, and eating gear, and we ask that you bring something for the potluck and a chair.
When you register, know that you can cancel. We're trying to get a sense of how many to plan for. The registration form allows you to indicate how many others in your party.
For questions Larry Wade, lpwade@gmail.com, 503-312-7745 Jim Spitzer, spitzerjames2@gmail.com, 503-381-8972
Address: Oregon Carvers Guild, 3110 NW Linmere Dr, Portland, Oregon 97229Email: oregoncarvers@gmail.com