Relief Carving Workshop
Registration Deadline is one week before the class (9/9). If full, add yourself to the waitlist.
Seven 90 minute weekly sessions - simultaneously on Zoom and in-person near Beaverton (Covid and weather permitting)
The link will be sent once you register
Mack Sutter taught carving for 40 years using a series of 12 relief patterns that became progressively more difficult. This workshop will carve the first three patterns as shown above. Depending on student interest, more sessions can be added to carve other patterns. This series is designed for beginners but more experienced carvers are welcome.
DATES/TIMES - Seven consecutive Thursday evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.
COST - free except for materials ($16) and any shipping charges
Tuition is waived while we cope with Covid. Four Basswood blanks will be provided (one for practice). Free loaner tool sets with six tools are usually available to be mailed or picked up at the Instructor's home near Beaverton. Cost to mail the wood and tools is $15.50, plus your cost to mail the tools back.
IN-PERSON AND ONLINE - Thursday evenings to accommodate employed.
Previous versions of this class were all online, so this will be the first time it will be taught simultaneously in-person and on Zoom, assuming Covid restrictions allow and assuming the weather is decent enough each week to allow the shop garage doors to be open. Students can mix and match, depending on their schedule and where they live. We don't know how well this will work, but we'll do our best, and expect to improve as we go. Each weekly session will nominally be 90 minutes with much time for carving but most of the carving will still be done privately between sessions.
ZOOM - students must be comfortable using Zoom. Zoom Participant Information and recommendations - HERE
WOOD - You will need four pieces of Basswood (or your alternative) exactly 7" wide x 8 1/2" tall with grain oriented vertically, nominally 3/4+" thick. You can mill your own but it is easier if you use the prepared material. Three are for the projects and one is for practice. They will need to be picked up at the instructor's house a little north of Beaverton or they can be mailed to you USPS Priority mail for $15.50.
You will need to buy "The Book of Wood Carving" by Charles Marshall Sayers, cost new is about $12, but about less if bought used at Amazon, or elsewhere. Originally published in 1942 and reprinted by Dover, Mack Sutter used three of his 12 projects from this book. It is a pithy resource worth owning and reading in its own right.
Loaner tools are available for no charge. You will need a strop, which we can sell for $20 if needed, or you can make one with leather provided. You will also need green honing compound or AutoSol Metal Polish ($12). If you provide your own tools you will need the following, either long or palm handed.
Carving knife (detail, longish blade)
V tool - 10mm 35 or 45 degree preferred, 60 degree OK (6 or 8mm OK)
#11/1 mm, plus an 11/2 or 11/3 or 9/2 or 9/3 if possible
#3/10 (wider OK)
#5/16 mm (width can vary a bit)
#9/10 mm this width is required for the first project