Mack Sutter Relief Carving Workshop
If this class is filled, join the waitlist, and we'll try to have a second class the same days but either 9:30-noon, or in the evening, 6:30-9:00.
Mack Sutter was the co-founder of our carving club in 1973 and taught carving for 40 years using a series of 12 relief patterns that became progressively more difficult. This workshop will carve the first two proven patterns as shown above. This series is designed for beginners but more experienced carvers are welcome.
DATES/TIMES - Four weekly sessions, 1:30 - 4:00 PM.
COST - $100, includes Basswood blanks. Free loaner tool sets are usually available, but use some of your own tools when possible and if sharp.
WORKSHOP LEADER - Larry Wade email, 503-312-7745.
OUTLINE - Each weekly session mainly does carving, and you need to plan on carving time at home between sessions. The first project is about grain training and tool familiarity. We'll start with another grain training exercise using a five-pointed star following the example demonstrated by Mary May (watch here, skip to minute 29:00). You can also attend weekly open shops on Tuesdays for some supervised help, during or after the class sequence.
The second project provides a basic framework and you will make choices what about inside patterns to use. You get better by carving repetitive designs, while being a bit challenged to make some design choices.
We'll discuss follow-on project possibilities based on your own interest in relief carving,
WOOD - Basswood pieces are 7" wide x 8 1/2" tall with vertical grain orientation. More experienced carvers might choose to work in a harder wood like Cherry.
SUGGESTED BOOK - "The Book of Wood Carving" by Charles Marshall Sayers, cost new is about $12, but less used. We have a few copies to loan and it is in some public libraries. Originally published in 1942 and reprinted by Dover, Mack Sutter chose three of his 12 projects from this book. It is a pithy resource worth owning and reading in its own right.
Loaner tools are usually available at no compliments of a donation by the Mack Sutter estate. You will need to buy or make a strop and provide honing compound. If you don't have one, contact the instructor. If you provide your own tools you will need the following, either long or palm handed:
Carving knife (detail, about 1 1/2" blade)
V tool - 6, 8, or 10, or 10 mm
#11/1 or 11/2
#3/10 (wider is OK)
#5/16 mm (width can vary a bit)
#9/10 mm this width is required for the first project