Carving & Art Nouveau
Before the program, there will be a brief annual member meeting to elect board members for next fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2023.
For the presentation, local professional Mark Downing will introduce us to the wide world of Art Nouveau woodworking. Mark is a designer, woodworker, carver, metal smith, contractor, and sailor with an impressive body of work. The program will originate at his century old home in NE Portland that is a showcase of his philosophy. He will show slides of his extensive Art Nouveau research in Paris, and we'll look at pieces that he has made and carved. We won't have time to cover his work on Northwest tribal projects, the three summers he spent build a log lodge in remote BC for EcoTrust, or his work to build a seaworthy sail boat.
Gather with other carvers at the Guild Studio for the Zoom presentation or join us virtually. If you join in-person, you must have proof of vaccination (its their policy) on record at the Guild of Oregon Woodworkers or show proof upon entering.
Please register so we can notify you of any changes and send you a reminder link.
Larry Wade, President Oregon Carvers Guild
Address: Oregon Carvers Guild, 3110 NW Linmere Dr, Portland, Oregon 97229Email: