This is a class for beginners to learn and practice carving small (4"), shallow bowls and experience a variety of soft and hard woods (Basswood, Alaska Yellow Cedar, Alder, Walnut). Insides will be round, oval, square, heart shaped - shallow or deep. Outsides can be round, square, rectangular, or shaped. Holding the work safely provides many lessons.
Tools and Wood must be picked up at the instructor's house north of Beaverton.
TOOLS - Loaner tools are provided by the instructor, but few are needed. Hardwoods will require a mallet (available for loan), and mallet-ready (long handled) tools. Forming the outside will require you to use a coping saw, bandsaw or scroll saw - yours, the instructors, or a friends. The tools required are:
Steep gouge, medium width, a #9, #10 or #11 in the 12-16 mm range
Flat gouge, medium width, a #3 or #4 in the 10-16 mm range
Spoon or short bent #5 or #6 in the 8- 12 mm range or a hook knife
Common carving knife, roughout or sturdy detail, about 1 1/2" blade
Mallet in the 12-20 oz range (or a river rock!)
Carbon paper
Sharpened and ready to go!
COVID - The class is planned to be hybrid, meaning simultaneously online with Zoom or in-person
COST - Depends on how you register
$50 for tuition, loaner tools and wood
$40 for tuition and loaner tools
$40 for tuition and wood
$30 for tuition only
WOOD - Instructor provided, but you can provide your own.
Two sturdy F or C clamps (Harbor Freight will do)
Bench hook (carving hook), see newsletters on this site, Sept 2021 page 6 or Dec 2020 pages 6-8
Carving glove and thumb guard (or vet wrap)
Strop and honing compound
Sturdy work surface that will hold the clamps
Coping saw or access to a bandsaw
(Optional) A good gooseneck task light
FINISHES - Student provided. Most likely a food-safe wax and mineral oil product.
WORKSHOP LEADER - Larry Wade, 503-312-7745, lpwade@gmail.com