This is a class for beginners to learn and practice carving small, shallow bowls (4-5") and experience a variety of woods (Basswood, Alaska Yellow Cedar, Pine, Alder, Maple, Walnut). Insides will be round or oval, shallow or deep. Outsides can be round, square, rectangular, or shaped. Holding the work safely provides many lessons.
TOOLS - Loaner tools are provided by the instructor, but few are needed and students will be encouraged to invest. Hardwoods will require a mallet (available for loan), and mallet-ready (long handled) tools. Forming the outside will require you to use a saw, yours, the instructors, or a friends. A hand coping saw works fine.
COVID - The class is online until the pandemic dramatically subsides.
COST - This pilot class is free. Subsequent classes will have nominal tuition.
WOOD - Instructor provided, a $10 material fee
OTHER - Students will need two sturdy F or C clamps (Harbor Freight will do). A bench hook (carving hook) will be very helpful (ask the instructor, see Dec 2020 and Sept 2021 newsletters). The Helix branded circle maker (Amazon, click here) is suggested, or a good compass, to make concentric circles 1/8" apart. However, printable paper pattens will be provided.
FINISHES - Student provided. Most likely a food-safe wax and oil product like Howard's Wax-It-All ($15 on Amazon).
WORKSHOP LEADER - Larry Wade, 503-312-7745, lpwade@gmail.com