Carving SIG - Daytimes
This interest list is for those who can attend at least some meetings. Monthly reminders announce upcoming topics.
These monthly carving meetings are a combination of demo, presentation, and hands-on, open to beginners and experienced alike. Topics vary over time. Previous focus topics were on sharpening, rotary carving tools, knives, Japanese wood blocks, and chip carving.
DATES/TIMES - Monthly on the 1st Wednesday (formerly it was a Thursday). The start time is 1:00 but you are free to arrive anytime after noon to eat, hangout, and perhaps do some personal work.
NOTE: There is another Carving SIG meeting in the evenings on third Thursdays at the Guild of Oregon Woodworkers in Multnomah Village. To register for this series, click here.
NOTE: In addiiton, there is the Eastside Carving Gathering meetings near NW 31st and Sandy from 10:00-1:00.
LOCATION - Rockler Store, Beaverton, 11773 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton, OR 97005
COST - Free, however, the real cost is you sharing your experience, questions, successes, and frustrations so we all can learn from and help each other.
COORDINATOR is Larry Wade, (503-312-7745,, but expect others to pitch in over time (this could be you!).